Your one-stop solution for all your text and data conversion needs.

  • Format text with ease.
  • Clean up and structure data efficiently.
  • Convert between various file formats seamlessly.
  • Securely encode, decode, and hash your data.
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Our Tools

Tool Details

Text Tools Overview

Convert Case Features

UPPERCASE, lowercase, Sentence case, camelCase, Title Case

Quick Replace Features

Newline to Comma, Comma to Newline, Tab to Comma, Comma to Tab

Cleanup Text Features

Strip HTML Tags, Normalize Diacritics, Remove Extra Spaces, Remove Empty Lines, Remove Duplicate Lines, Remove All Whitespaces

List Tools Overview

Sort List Features

Sort Alphabetically, Sort Numerically, Sort by Length, Sort by Alphanumeric

Manage List Features

Deduplicate List, Reverse List, Remove Empty Entries

Format List Features

Convert to JSON Array, Convert to CSV, Convert to HTML List, Convert to SQL Query

Analyze List Features

Frequency Count, List Statistics, Text Analysis, Generate Summary

Developer Tools Overview

JSON Tools Features

Format JSON, Minify JSON, Escape JSON, Unescape JSON, JSON to Table, JSON to Tree, JSON to XML

XML Tools Features

Format XML, Minify XML, XML to JSON

Database Tools Features

Format MySQL

Convert CSV & JSON Features


Configuration Files Features

Properties to YAML, YAML to Properties

HTML Tools Features

Format HTML, Escape HTML

Cryptography Tools Overview

Encoding/Decoding Features

Base64 Encode, Base64 Decode, URL Encode, URL Decode, HTML Encode, HTML Decode, Hex Encode, Hex Decode, Base85 Encode, Base85 Decode, ROT13 Encode/Decode

Hashing Features

MD5 Hash, SHA-1 Hash, SHA-256 Hash, SHA-512 Hash, CRC32 Checksum, Adler-32 Checksum

Conversions Features

Hex to Base64, Base64 to Hex, Base58 Encode, Base58 Decode, Base32 Encode, Base32 Decode

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